I have booked a car when I will be in Brisbane in 10 days – taken out Insurance with your Company. (SHER100082*****)
This afternoon I received a phone call from the company I placed the car booking with. He quizzed me about why I hadn’t taken out insurance, and then became VERY pushy. He warned me I would be up for hefty costs if there was any damage. I stated I already had Insurance to cover my trip – and then he started!
Told me that any other Insurance ‘wasn’t worth the paper it was written on’ and told me I would have nothing but problems if I actually had to make a claim. Told me that no other Insurance company offers 3rd party insurance for car hire. Went on and on about the perils of NOT taking out car insurance with them (the car hire company). I stupidly them said ‘I use the same insurance company that my business does’ – meaning that the business I work for, always uses your company. Straight away he jumped on this and said – ‘you have falsely stated this is a private hire’… and proceeded to tell me he would have to cancel the hire. He would barely let me explain! It took quite a few minutes to get through to him.
I felt he was intimidating, pushy and in some ways, aggressive. Just thought I would let you know.CF.
Hi CF I really appreciate this or any other feedback.
I think we should name and shame companies like this as they are fighting back
(unfairly) to try regain their outrageous profits that they make from the insurance.Granted that he is right in a way, that it will be a bit of a hassle getting paperwork
etc if you need to make a claim but that is why you get it so much cheaper than
their waiver (they can’t call it insurance).
I think we should name and shame companies like this as they are fighting back
(unfairly) to try regain their outrageous profits that they make from the insurance.Granted that he is right in a way, that it will be a bit of a hassle getting paperwork
etc if you need to make a claim but that is why you get it so much cheaper than
their waiver (they can’t call it insurance).
If I were you I would write him a very firm letter stating that you will not be using his services again.
Ultimately that is what capitalism is all about and it sounds like his service was unsatisfactory to you.
PS do you mind if I put you anonymous email on our blog along with my answer?
Thanks again for the feedback
Tripcover Team